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  • Writer's picturekyle Hailey

Help an ELF: AI can bring joy to underprivileged

Updated: Nov 25, 2022

My name is Kyle Hailey and I love San Francisco and I love AI imaging . Thus I want to help give back to San Francisco using my passion for AI. How do you say?! What does AI have to do with helping underprivileged families at Christmas? I'll tell you. I'm raising money for to bring gifts to underprivileged families at Christmas. OK, where is the AI? Well, if you donate , for any donation over $25, I'll make you a custom AI image. You can get an idea some of the stuff I do on my portfolio page , but the sky is the limit as far as what the image could be. Just include your email and say that you heard about ELF from me and I'll reach out and contact you about making the image. (or email me directly at when you donate)

for more information see

The mission of Operation ELF (Everybody Loves Families) is to bring joy and delight to families in need, so that they know people care. We locate low-income families and seniors and provide them with gifts, clothing, toys and staples during the holiday season, so that they feel appreciated and valued. Each year, we serve families, seniors and youth shelters in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Operation ELF Bay Area is a grassroots group of community-minded people from San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma and Contra Costa counties who care about families in the greater San Francisco Bay Area and want them experience a happy holiday season filled with abundance and joy. Operation ELF Bay Area is part of Caring Heroes, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) Charitable Non-Profit Organization. Our Tax ID number is 86-3206214.

I'm part of a mens team here in San Francisco and that mens team has brought a lot to my life. It has taught me leadership and how to be better dad and how to help my community. My men’s team is raising $20,000 by mid-December to bring household basics and holiday gifts to dozens of low-income families in San Francisco. If you are able, I would greatly appreciate a small donation.

If you are in San Francisco and want to work directly with a family, we can have you adopt a family for $400 and we can buy gifts together and bring them to the family on Saturday, December 17.


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